Architecture | Art | Design

An urban intervention \Winter quarter studio project\ Mack suprastudio\ UCLA
IMAGINE is an interactive installation project. It was designed to be installed at a metro station in Los Angeles and is conceived as a tool to study the public's behavior in response to messages of hate and fear.
Imagine has two components:
The video content being projected onto a wall of the metro station. This video shows a wall being built along with an audio of a political figure spreading hate. The audience is suggested to stop this message and press a stop button on the device that changes the video and the wall comes crumbling down. The audio switches to John Lennon's song Imagine and a peace symbol lights up.
The device/decoy which looks like it could be part of a construction site with nails, ropes, duct tapes and wires. Hidden within this decoy, is a peace symbol that would light up if the audience pressed two buttons simultaneously on the device on two opposite corners. This act requires two complete strangers to come together in an act of unity and press the stop button.
This social experiment examines peoples reaction to such a message and compels them to take action and stay united.